Notes to Lesson 2

The only thing I can add to this lesson is that on the following line:


The variable "$myShape1" can be named anything of your choosing. You can easily call it $BlueLine, and replace every instance of $myShape1 with $BlueLine. The dollar sign must precede the variable name. The numbers that appear in the parentheses are the line thickness, and the last 3 numbers are the color (red, green, blue). If you need to draw other lines of different colors, you will have to declare a variable for each color you want to use.

Also, where the script uses "$firstLine" and "secondLine", these can also be named whatever you choose, such as "$TopLine" and "$BottomLine".

For clarification on the numbers in parentheses in the line below, the 440 is the length of the horizontal line, while 0 nulls out any other direction of the line.


For those who are familiar with php scripting, you can write a function to draw lines in Ming. You can place the following function in your movie and use it over and over to draw lines.

function hline($sz,$w,$r,$g,$b,$a){
$s = new SWFShape();
return $s;

Once the function is in the script, then you can call it with the following codes:


Where $horizontalline can be any name you choose, size is the thickness, length is the length, red, green, blue and alpha (0-255) are the colors plus transparency. Within the placement code or the moveTo line, x and y are the pixel location of the starting point of the line within the movie.

Similarly, there are functions that can be used for vertical or diagonal lines.


function vline($sz,$w,$r,$g,$b,$a){
$s = new SWFShape();
return $s;



function dline($sz,$r,$g,$b,$a,$x,$y){
$s = new SWFShape();
return $s;
