Dingbat City Backdrop

The above city back image was created using a font sample, font zip and my Perspective Image Tool. Below is a tute for getting this effect.
  • Go to IM. On input page scroll down to bottom. Under Format choose gradient. Under size use 400x300, under meta type steelblue-white. Scroll up to top and click view.
  • Click annotate. Text XQJ, fill black, pointsize 90, place font url in http box under fonts. Use this addy if you do not have access to a server. Click annotate.
  • Click output, change to gif, single file, output. Click image, on next page, right click image, click properties, right click url, click select all, control c to copy. Or just right click and save to your PC.
  • Upload image and put through perspective image tool. You can use the IM URL that you copied, or upload to your own site and use that URL. Click on the second option and choose output type. Upload the final image. Decorate as you wish.
  • Image should look like this:

    Of course you can also use a different perspective.