Emails With Sally
January 16,2010 to January 17, 2011

From: sewsally
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:04:22 -0800
Subject: PC

I don't know if you know or not but webtv was having some bad trouble for two or three days....impossible navigation !!

It was so bad that I actually booted up the laptop!! But I didn't do anything except some research I wanted to do....I decided to do an image search but didn't know what to even look for....LOL!!!

From: Linda fasciano
Sat 1/16/2010 10:50 PM
To: Sally

I have not been on Webby for a couple of days. Been crazy at work lately...and when I finally get off work I just go to my server and try to do some ming stuff. You can get ready for Easter....I have been doing that too. There is still time.

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 15:08:47 -0800
Subject: RE: PC

I'm doing a grad page for St. Patricks day....but not on the PC....and Easter, sure but not on the PC....LOL!

From: Linda fasciano
Sat 1/16/2010 11:47 PM
To: Sally

I did these on PC with dingbats and a box template I got on the web for free. I have not checked it with webby yet. May need to make the box smaller for webby.

You can do dingbat searches on PC and get into sites that webby cannot see.

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 15:52:38 -0800
Subject: RE: PC

You said: "I did these..." Nothing was there...LOL!

Dings are ok but I'd rather draw my own stuff....not sure why....

From: Linda fasciano
Sun 1/17/2010 12:01 AM
To: Sally


Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 16:10:45 -0800
Subject: RE: PC

Oh, those are cute....most of those dings I've used for twinkies, long ago....LOL! When is Easter anyway??

From: linda fasciano
Sun 1/17/2010 1:22 AM
To: Sally

Not until April 4..

From: linda fasciano
Wed 1/27/2010 7:34 AM

Cute page. I like the hair. She is expensive. LOL

Like my new bobblehead gradpal? Working on this now in Ming.

That is done in Ming as 1 item being moved. I used my gradpal and just cut the head off. I'm going to do more.

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 08:14:12 -0800
Subject: Re: Kisses for Sale

Thanks, she was fun...

He's wonderful!! To do him in ming just put his head all together and then move each part the same pixels in the same frame....My unique bird is like that, all separate parts but moves as one....!! Be a great learning experience!

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:38:07 -0800
Subject: new décor

How's this look on your PC? I haven't checked it...Thanks

From: linda fasciano
Fri 1/29/2010 3:38 AM
To: Sally

Looks really nice. I like the shading in your logo.

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 19:58:22 -0800
Subject: RE: new décor

Thanks....pretty simple looking....but it's a ton of tables....some with cellpadding=2 to outline the other tables....LOL!

From: linda fasciano
Fri 1/29/2010 5:20 AM
To: Sally

When my home page gets full, I'm just going to remove the sites that don't get hits and replace them. Probably just save them to another page...or even discard some as they are outdated now. But as more and more people start to learn php and GD, those pages may come in handy and if they still work, then I will keep them on as long as they fit. PHP 6 is supposed to be in the works which is supposed to change the globals somehow. I have not really studied what is different...

From: linda fasciano
Thu 1/28/2010 11:01 PM
To: Handy Man

I left you a message in Joe's group.

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:47:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Ming Bobble Heads~Linda~

Hi Linda, I just read your message in Joe's group. I copied it and sent it to myself so I can try and decipher it. It's a script that I'm not familiar with so, it will take me some time to figure it out. I took it to my Word Pro but, when I click on view alI I get is the code. How can you tell what changes you make? In the meantime I'll get my mascot ready, I'll cut off his head and save it along with his body. Bob :-)

From: linda fasciano
Fri 1/29/2010 2:09 AM
To: Bob Handy

Hi Bob, I know this can be confusing when you are new to Ming. Ming is a language that is installed on our server at Arbor, that is why the PC cannot read it. PHP too cannot be read by PC unless the language is downloaded and installed. If you get too frustrated, I will be happy to make the swf for you, but I think you would like learning this once you get into it.

NOTES IN [] setBackground(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); [SETS THE SIZE OF THE BACKGROUND]$myMovie->setDimension(170,170); //PUT SPRING IN THE BACKGROUND $spring=$myMovie->add(gradient(200,200,200,10,5)); [ANYTHING THAT SAYS MOVETO MEANS X,Y PIXEL]$spring->moveTo(84,49); $spring->scaleto(0.6,0.5); $spring2=$myMovie->add(gradient(200,200,200,10,5)); $spring2->moveTo(84,53); $spring2->scaleto(0.6,0.5); //ADD BODY [ADD BODY GIF HERE MUST BE A GIF OR PNG, ADD THE SIZE OF THE IMAGE]$body=$myMovie->add(tileSq('pinkbody.gif',125,209)); [PLACEMENT BODY]$body->moveTo(53,54); //SCALE TO MAKE IT SMALLER $body->scale(0.5,0.5); //ADD HEAD [ADD HEAD IMAGE HERE AND SIZE]$head=$myMovie->add(tileSq('pinkHead.gif',143,81)); [PLACEMENT HEAD]$head->moveTo(50,10); //SCALE TO MAKE IT SMALLER $head->scale(0.5,0.5); //MOVE HEAD [THESE ARE WHAT MOVE THE HEAD. NOTICE WHERE IT WAS PLACED ORIGINALLY AND SEE WHERE IT HAS MOVED TO] [MAKE A NEW FRAME FOR EACH MOVEMENT..THE LOOP JUST ACTS AS A TIMER] for($i=0;$i<20;$i++){ $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(50,15); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(50,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(53,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(53,15); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(53,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(50,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(50,15); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(50,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(47,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(47,15); $myMovie->nextframe(); $head->moveTo(47,10); $myMovie->nextframe(); } header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); //$myMovie->output(); [UNCOMMENT ABOVE LINE AND COMMENT OUT THE REST OF THIS AS IN MY OTHER NOTE..UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO TURN IT INTO AN SWF] $myMovie->save("PinkPantherBobble.swf"); ?>

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 06:53:41 -0500
Subject: RE: Ming Bobble Heads~Linda~

Hi Linda,
> Ming is very confusing to me, it's 6:30 am and my brain is still > sleeping ha-ha. I'll be gone all day today so, will look at it more > carefully tonight. The more I look at the script the more confusing it > gets. At my age things like this don't come easy but will give it a good > try. Thanks Linda, Bob :-)

From: Linda fasciano
Fri 1/29/2010 6:59 PM
To: Bob Handy

You can send me an image and I can make one for you and give you the script. Then you can play around with that completed script if you like. That may be a little more advanced than the beginner scripts. If you read through WebWizardWays tutes at some point, it would become clearer. Plus it is written in PHP which you'd need some familiarity with, as it does not allow for error and you would need to know where to find the error..such as leaving out a quote or a semicolon or a comma. I would not be able to get to it until tomorrow but I don't mind doing it at all.

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 15:15:55 -0500
Subject: Bobble head !!

WOW !!
Super job Linda, they both look great. Thank you very much, I can't wait to show him off. LOL. Now I'll go and check the scripts and drive myself crazy. Bob :-)

From: Linda fasciano
Sat 1/30/2010 10:14 PM
To: Bob Handy

They are fun to work on. The swf will show up big on PC...that is what I meant when I said that Ming sizes them funny. However you use the html page to display him and you can size that to any size you want. Even though he looks big, the background size is fairly small, and even the html page should look small on PC.

If you look at the Ming tutes, these codes will make more sense later on down the road. Like all scripts it can be frustrating to position etc, but that gets easier with time.

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 11:37:45 -0800
Subject: [Biz] LINKS


From: linda fasciano
Fri 2/5/2010 10:27 AM
To: Server Business

A few pages of Bobble Heads

Subject: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 08:25:57 -0500

Hi Linda, I tried to upload a Bobble Head URL and it says URL not found. Have you got them blocked? Too bad they can't be uploaded all at once then it wouldn't take so long. LOL. Bob

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 23:17:33 +0000

I found the error. I had moved them to a new directory and did not add the directory name. Thanks for catching that. And here is a zip of ALL of them including the HTML files.

If you want the php files just let me know. They are basically the same as the one you have of Handy, except for the Minnie and Mickey are more complicated as they are drawn and not an image

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 19:12:48 -0500

That's great Linda, that will save a lot of time. I haven't got around to trying making one of my own yet but, will do it soon. Hope I don't mess up the Handy one you made. LOL. Thanks again Linda, those Bobble Heads are really cute. Bob

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 00:15:42 +0000

Just make a copy of the Handy one and rename it. Just put a checkmark next to the file and on the bottom of the page click copy, change the name and that's it. You can mess it up all you like then, and still have the original file.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 19:28:48 -0500

Do I just copy the PHP file?

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 02:37:25 +0000

Yes, just copy it, give it a new name, make sure it has a php extension.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 15:49:20 -0500

Linda, I've tried everything I can think of and I can't get rid of that frame on top and left side of his head. Also, I have to copy it and make another file and put a SWF extension on it right? That is if I can get this one to work LOL. Bob

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 21:05:20 +0000

I forgot to mention that the background must be big enough for the image to fit. If that does not help, send me a copy of it so I can see if I can figure out what it's doing...we'll both learn something. You would need to zip up the php and the images...php files can't be sourced so I need a zip.

Another way to look at the centering is to copy the Handy html page and change the Handy swf url with the prof php file and then you can see the background. Make the background size compatible with the php background size, i.e. if the php size is 100x100, make the html size 200x200 or something similar.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 16:29:38 -0500

Here is the script for it. I don't see where I can change the BG.

setBackground(0x00, 0x00, 0x33);
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 23:42:55 +0000

Check out the page with a white background. You will see that the head has a frame around it. Also you have the wrong size in you code. Send me a copy of the image and I can cut it for you. I have a great crop tool on my PC that lets me cut out pieces and put them back together however I like.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 19:11:20 -0500

This is the Cropper I use to cut out pieces such as the head but, it doesn't work good on my pc.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 00:53:34 +0000

This is a tool I have on my PC. You can download a free version to use for a while but then it costs $10.00 to keep it. I bought the program and use it every time I am on the PC. Good for screenshots, cutting and pasting and resizing.

I still go to image magick for some things but this tool does save me a lot of time.

Subject: RE: Bobble Heads !!
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 21:44:18 -0500

I just downloaded the free version of 25 Clips. If I decide to keep it is a one time fee of $10?

From: linda fasciano
Mon 2/8/2010 4:44 AM

First to get an image to work on, click ctrl PrtScrn on your keyboard.. You will now have a copy of your desktop (screenshot) in your 25-clips tool.

Click on the notebook icon...should be on your start toolbar or your desktop.

When the menu appears, mouse over the graphic clip and you will see a pop up of the graphic. right click on the place where your mouse is. Click edit. A screen will pop up which is the screenshot.

Click on crop on the top right of the page. Move the red bars to block out an area to crop. Crop it. Now you will see the white background of the tool with the cropped section showing..You can resize it by clicking on the size arrows on the top right of the notebook tool.

You can rotate an image by putting the degrees in the rotation box.

You can transparify by putting a checkmark in the transparent box and clicking on the part of the image that you want to make transparent.

The best part is that you can work on more than one image at once, but you can only save it as one image. While you are in the notebook with an image there, click on Graphic from File on the lower left hand side, pick an image from your pictures folder.

Now put one image on top of the other and click on the send to back or bring to front buttons on the top right to see how that works. You can transparify part of the image. To save this, click on Save as a new clip (lower right). Now the images are saved as one image on the clipboard. Click on erase (top right) to clear your notebook screen. Now click on Graphic from clip on the lower left side and grab your image.

Save it as a file (lower right). Choose type and give it a name. It is now in your pictures folder.

You will see colored blocks and shapes. These are what I use to make part of an image transparent. Put a circle over the image. Save as a new clip, erase the images. Bring up the new graphic from clip and make the circle transparent. Now that area is gone. Save as a new file. When you are surfing the web you can right click on an image and then click copy and it should be on your clipboard. It saves them temporarily so if you want to keep it you will have to upload it.

The tool does other things too but this is what I use it for most of the time. It even saves html if you copy it.

Subject: Question?
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 17:45:22 -0500

Hi Linda, Is it possible to change the BG color on the BobbleHead SWF after it's made? Or do you have to decide the BG color when you make it? Thanks Bob

From: linda fasciano
Thu 2/11/2010 3:08 AM

As far as I know you have to decide the color when you make it. Do you want some other color on one of mine?

From: Linda fasciano
Thu 2/11/2010 3:47 AM

I looked up your question on the web...turns out you can change the color in the html. Just add it to the html code like below.

I used the below code here

I will have to add that line to my Bobble heads now. This is why Sally and I really like to teach...we always end up learning something new.

Subject: RE: 25 clips
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 07:57:17 -0500

When I right click on the menu I do get the pop up, then I click on Edit and the window on the right dissapears. I'm wondering if I do get an image when I click on Ctrl and Prt Sc. What if I go to my Arbor files and bring up a gif, right click on it then click on copy? Then I could go to the clips and try that. I have to go out today but will be back later this afternoon and will try it. Thanks Linda. Bob

Subject: RE: 25 clips
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 05:18:46 +0000

When you see the image, right click the mouse on the menu and there should be a popup that says edit, delete, etc. There you click on edit.

Do you get anything if you click on help on the clips menu? It took me a while to figure out how to get it to work, but once I did it was easy and very useful. The trick is that you have to have an image copied to it in order to get into it. Otherwise you can't get in. You can view a copy of html text to edit but you cannot work on a graphic unless you got a graphic copied. Even if you want to work on an image in your pictures folder, you have to copy something (a screenshot) in order to get into the clipboard. Then I just erase the screenshot and pull up a file from my pictures folder while inside the clipboard.

If you are getting a graphic on the right, it sounds like it is working somehow. Believe me it took me a while to get the hang of it. But now it is so easy to me.

Subject: RE: 25 clips
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:13:07 -0500

Linda, When I mouse over the clips menu there is no message. If I move the mouse, the graphic on the right dissapears. I'll keep trying and see if I can get it to work.

Subject: RE: 25 clips
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 22:38:45 +0000

When your mouse is over the clips menu and you can see the graphic on the right side pop-up, do you get a message at the mouse that says "edit". That is what you click on to get the graphic on to the clipboard.

Also the clipboard won't do anything unless you have an image copied already. Grab an image off your Arbor site, can't grab one from your pictures folder because it is already save on your PC. You have to get the image from elsewhere, on the web or a screenshot.

Subject: 25 clips
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:35:20 -0500

Linda, I forgot to tell you that I can't get the 25 Clips to work. I think my Windows 7 is messing things up. I followed your notes and I do get the graphic on the left and when I right click on it I get the window on the right but that's all. The window is blank and I can't do anything else. They told me at Staples where I bought the laptop that some things aren't compatible with Windows 7. Oh well, I can go to my usual crop tool. Bob

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 17:28:13 -0600
Subject: 4 here.

so glad to be back to humanoid again. lolol

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:33:53 -0800
Subject: Re: 4 here.

Boy I just can not doodle like you do it I don't know...!!

From: linda fasciano
Tue 2/16/2010 5:38 AM
To: lila; Sally

That is interesting work. I've been busy writing a tute on some software I told you about a year or two ago that I really like. It costs $10 but you can get a free trial before you have to pay. Handy donwloaded it and he really likes it. After many e-mails with him on the tool I decided to write this tute in case he passes it along or if anyone else I know would want to use it.

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 08:22:04 -0800
Subject: RE: 4 here.

I see no difference in that over the paint program included.......and there are a lot of different ways to achieve all that stuff...I see no point in adding another way....but that's just me....

From: linda fasciano
Tue 2/16/2010 8:08 PM
To: Sally

I have not seen any of this in the Paint Program. This program is actually what got me going on the PC to use it. You can work on 10 or more images at one time, use them or set them aside for later. The crop tool and transparency are really the best I have seen anywhere on the web. Resize too keeps the image fairly well intact.

I'm going to use it to make all my bobble heads transparent. Anyway just thought I would share the info. You are not required to download it. LOL

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 12:16:16 -0800
Subject: RE: 4 here.

LOLOL! I don't remember ever seeing that program before....but of course share...!! Glad Handy got it...I told him you did more on PC and to ask you....I'M the weird one....!!! The only thing I download are the updates MSN gives me automatically.....otherwise only one thing...the webtv viewer.....LOLOL!

Is there a difference in IM transparency and that of the program??

From: Linda fasciano
Tue 2/16/2010 8:40 PM
To: Sally

The transparency may be comparable with IM except that if you are covering parts of the image with another color block to make transparent, you do not have to guess at the location. You can see exactly where to put it by dragging it over the image and you can resize it to fit exactly. You can also change image types from bmp to jpg or gif on the PC which is easy for uploading to the server. Sometimes I have to go to IM to reduce the bytes but not too often. You can reduce jpg bytes with the tool.

Handy is just learning how to use it and he has not been feeling well the past 2-3 days (maybe a virus) but he is anxious to use it now that he knows how it works. He has the free version right now, which is the same as the paid version.

Subject: RE: 4 here.
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 20:08:34 +0000

I have not seen any of this in the Paint Program. This program is actually what got me going on the PC to use it. You can work on 10 or more images at one time, use them or set them aside for later. The crop tool and transparency are really the best I have seen anywhere on the web. Resize too keeps the image fairly well intact.

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 12:38:28 -0800
Subject: Paint

microsoft paint tutorials...

From: Linda fasciano
Tue 2/16/2010 8:43 PM
To: Sally

I don't see any way to crop there and it says you cannot save transparency, you have to go to another program such as IrfanView

From: Linda fasciano
Tue 2/16/2010 11:53 PM
To: Sally

I made her transparent with that tool.

These are the originals.

and the transparencies

From: Linda fasciano
Tue 2/23/2010 11:34 PM

Here are the new BobbleHeads. I made them all transparent.

You'll have to delete the old files.

Subject: RE: Clips !!
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 19:22:26 -0500

Thank you Linda, Have them uploaded in their own directory. I'll start using them on my e-mails, they look great. I used the new tool you sent and cropped a gif, I like the way you can move those red lines. I'm going to experiment with those shapes. That is a fantastic tool. Thanks again for all your help. Bob

From: linda fasciano
Wed 2/24/2010 12:33 AM

I'm learning more and more about that tool. I actually used the gradient part of the tool to make the body for the sheep and to touch up some other images. You can get really creative once you learn all the in's and out's of it. The crop part alone though is worth uploading that tool for. But I'm using it more and more for other things as well.

You can put those bobbles in an rfi file in your sig so that it uploads a different image each time. I don't know if you are aware of that.

I am starting some new Bobbles now...The Adams Family.

Subject: RE: Clips !!
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 19:40:21 -0500

I know about the rfi files, I have one for some midis. I just noticed that some of the Bobbles don't have a swf file. The Duck,Owl and the Hare only have the html file. Bob

From: Linda fasciano
Wed 2/24/2010 1:03 AM

I had to change the names to Quack, Woo and Rabbit because the server would not overwrite them. Those names can probably be changed though if you want to. Let me know if those are not there.

Subject: Bobbles !!
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 10:23:43 -0500

Linda, All the Bobbles still have a BG. The only one that is transparent is the Nutcracker. I tried reloading and no luck. Bob

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 14:29:01 -0800
Subject: [Biz] Our Lily

Lily died on December 6....

Her domain is good for 6 more months and I'll leave her website up as long as the domain is good. Her tableart and fonts have been saved.....

From: Linda fasciano
Sat 2/27/2010 10:13 PM
To: Server Business

Sorry to hear about Lily...December 6 wow that was a while ago. I guess she is a very private person.

Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 12:56:15 -0800
Subject: [Biz] LINKS



From: Linda fasciano
Sat 3/6/2010 6:55 AM
To: Server Business

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:42:30 -0700
Subject: LOL!

Check him out....

From: linda fasciano
Thu 3/18/2010 2:25 AM
To: Sally

He is really cute. Looks like springtime.

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 21:18:22 -0700
Subject: RE: LOL!

Sallys' Sock Monkey

From: Linda fasciano
Thu 3/18/2010 4:45 AM
To: Sally

You got a nice collection going. Now you need a girl with an apron or a tutu...LOL

From: Linda fasciano
Sat 3/20/2010 5:57 PM

It takes a while to get used to all the tools. Just to let you know, the 25clips does not accept png files, only gif, bmp and jpg. You can however get a copy of a png by using the right click and click copy. Then it is on your clipboard. You can't upload it from your pictures file in a png format. Or you can do a screenshot of the image and crop it down.

Subject: Resize !!
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 14:12:11 -0400

Thanks Linda, now I have one more question. The clip I cropped and uploaded is very small and when I resized it, it came out all blurry. I was just playing around with one of Sally's Sock monkees. I haven't got it the way I want but, was just wondering how to keep it clear when I resize it. Bob

From: linda fasciano
Sat 3/20/2010 9:55 PM

Here is a file that will let you change the image type from a png to a gif (or jpg) at IM from the command line.

All you have to do is type in the image name and rename it. It will automatically output the new image into your directory. That way you can upload the png to your server at its original size and then rename it. Then you can save the new gif image to your PC and work on it in 25clips. You can resize it there too. After resizing, click on antialias to reduce blurriness. If you resize an image a lot it does show blurry.

Sally will get a kick out of that.

From: Linda fasciano
Fri 4/16/2010 9:41 PM
To: Sally

Bubble shooter game (swf). Only works on PC. Mindless hours of fun...LOL

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:45:19 -0700
Subject: Re: Game

LOLOL!! My game playing is pretty much limited to Scrabble....But of course I'll check it out... Patch has games, maybe he'd like it too...LOLOL!

From: Linda fasciano
Fri 4/16/2010 10:45 PM
To: Sally

Pass it along to anyone. The trick is to try to get at least one color off the board at a time. It makes it easier to win, but you still can lose. If you have a row of bubbles of one color that line up so that one of them touches the left or right side and you hit one of those, it will wipe out all of the bubbles beneath that row (all colors). You will also see a row of white bubbles and a colored bubble on the bottom of the page on the left. The white one fade away if you miss a shot and when they all fade then another row of bubbles come down from the top and it starts over. The colored bubble tells you what color is coming up next on your next shot, in case you have a choice of shots. If you take out a color, you will get 2 rows coming down from the top. Those are about all the rules. The idea is to score high points. No real bells and whistles or fireworks when you win, but it is funny to watch them all pop when you have only 2 or 3 colors left.

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 12:09:53 -0700
Subject: Better?

Well, are you feeling better?? What did you find out??? What's up?? LOL!

On the swf bgcolor....can that be made into a background?? I've never tried it....

Also do you know how to fix that lister script to be alphabetical? The php group and Ervs question....I sure don't and can't get the script to work by CCP....I'll change that to a text file....those color things are not good....!

From: linda fasciano
Fri 4/16/2010 9:19 PM
To: Sally

LOL, got questions?

The CT scan showed mucus and a fluid collection on my right side of my face. I just finished a course of Azithromycin. I still have some pain on my top right teeth but nothing like it was. I think it was caused from a trial of GI meds that really dried out my mouth. and did not help my GI problem at all. They say the Azithromycin continues to work after you complete them. I see the doctor again next week, hopefully it will be all gone by then.

As for a background image, I don't see why it would not work if you make an swf in whatever color and then change the color with the html code. I don't know if you can use it as a background on a html page though..something that you can write on top of.

The php code, I'm assuming it is a directory list, that I use is this one.

It lists the files alphabetically as well as the subdirectories.

I have not done much on webby or PC for a week. Mostly just playing games. I went on to webby and cleaned out my Scrapbook files as I don't use them anymore. I will probably do some stuff this weekend.

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:40:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Better?

Well, my gosh you've sure been through it!!

That GI thing has been with you way too'd think someone would look outside the box and try to find a cause other than the usualy suspects....sometimes I think they get so used to the same things that they do not look for other causes.....

Well, hope you are better sooner!!

Wow Becky got a powerful PC !!

From: Linda fasciano
Fri 4/16/2010 10:49 PM
To: Sally

Well I have a new doctor who wanted to try drugs that I have not yet tried. They were actually drugs for depression but they are a muscle relaxant and at a very much smaller dose than for depression. Guess they don't work for me. I'll see him again in May. Maybe he will have other ideas. I keep thinking that I'm too old for this. I'll be 60 next month (6/13). I think I was 46 or so when the trouble began.

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:43:18 -0700
Subject: Hey U2

Hey u2.....what's up....I haven't heard from either of postings anywhere....nothing in talk-php.....

You guys ok????

I was going to try to get some drawing and or imaging going in the php group but it looks like Byron is going to post a tool for every script.....been there done that...don't like it so I'm not going back...

From: linda fasciano
Fri 4/30/2010 8:24 AM
To: Sally

I've been working on PC trying to make bobble heads of the 7 Dwarfs. I've got 5-1/2 images drawn with the 25-clips program. Have not done the ming yet. Have not been on webby for a couple of days. My sinusitis is pretty much gone now. I had my teeth cleaned too with no problems so I guess the antibiotic worked. Been doing a lot of sewing lately too. Also trying to learn tai chi so not around as much as I used to be. But I'm sure I will get back into a groove.

I'd like to try some more movies with the ming but I have no ideas at the moment. Just want to finish the dwarfs and maybe snow white.

Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 12:28:12 -0700
Subject: [Biz] Bye Bye Google

Well, it was bound to happen....Google has upgraded their pages and now they overlap for webby.....and it is terrible to load anything there....It's frozen me twice already.....CRAP !!

From: linda fasciano
Fri 5/7/2010 4:05 AM
Server Business

I don't care for Google's new layout. There is less on a page with this wide sidebar that is good for nothing.

From: > Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 12:32:43 -0700 > To: > Subject: Tableart > > > I'd like to get your art into the Masters files.......You can do an > index page and put your many as you want....all the > images and music...and html pages...a zip would be good so I unzip and > it's ready.....The directory is > > > > If you need another directory I'll make this one > > linda fasciano Fri 5/14/2010 5:41 AM Sally ? OK, I'll do that over the weekend. I finished the 7 dwarfs and snow white, now working on the evil queen. From: Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 08:17:56 -0700 To: Subject: RE: Tableart Oh great!!! I can't wait to see them!!! linda fasciano Sun 5/16/2010 8:38 AM Sally ? I finished the dwarfs. Have not done the prince. Maybe later. From: > Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 07:58:32 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: Seven Dwarfs > > > Fabulous!!!! Those are really cute!! > I've already got them on June Links!! linda fasciano Sun 5/16/2010 8:40 PM Sally ? I made all those with the PC on the 25Clips program. It is not like scripting, cut it is still art. You still have to make each image piece by piece and composite them together. I think you would like the program. From: > Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 14:22:11 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Seven Dwarfs > > > So do you "draw" each piece like with paint? How do you "make" the > pieces?? > > Let me go see if I can find some info on the program....if it's like > image magick, all slots and buttons...I would not like it.... linda fasciano Sun 5/16/2010 10:08 PM Sally ? Yes there are buttons to click on such as draw circle/shape. But once the shepe is on the board you can crop it and resize it, and then draw another shape and merge them all with just the mouse. You can have 10 or more images on the board at once. Make gradients, etc. Here is a tute i wrote for Bob. That is how I know he has Windows 7 because he could not get it to work until he saw the tute and then he got it working and loved it. It does cost $10, but there is a free download and a trial period before you have to pay. Here are some sample images I made using the tool, just playing around with it. It is not like scripting, but with your knowledge of making gradient art, you can carry that over to this tool and see how you want to put the gradients together. It is not perfect, sometimes the gradient loses some depth when you make it transparent, but it can be a creative tool. From: Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 15:35:18 -0700 To: Subject: RE: Seven Dwarfs Well, first off I will not pay 10 cents for any program.....and then there's the buttons etc....not for me....but thanks!!! Keep trying as I'd like to find something fun on the PC...still looking...not even scripting is fun because the edit box becomes a click in and I hate that.... Bob got the viewer working from your tute..!!! Thanks, I did not want to get on the laptop.....don't need to bank....LOLOLOL! linda fasciano Sun 5/16/2010 11:17 PM Sally ? Maybe when webby finally crashes, you will be looking for something to do. This is the program that got me working on the PC in the first place. I used to feel exactly as you do about the PC. Once you do get used to it, it becomes as natural as webby was. From: Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 16:35:50 -0700 To: Subject: RE: Seven Dwarfs Webby will go only when all telephones go digital....JMO Here's an interesting page...don't see anything that grabs me...but it's got a lot... inda fasciano Mon 5/17/2010 2:39 AM Sally ? Interesting but I don't really want to download ank kind of imaging program, that I can use imagemagick for. The tool I have does things that would take forever to do at IM. Does not do any kind of imaging per se, but does grads great. You are probably right about the phones. A lot of people have left webby because of the phones. I may not get to my gradtable art until next week-end. I have tomorrow off but I have an eye appointment and have to have my eyes dilated for it. From: > Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 08:06:06 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Seven Dwarfs > > > No hurry on the art don't worry...!!! > > I too would rather use image magick...and your tools do grads great when > a grad image in necessary, but I'm still not able to do "pictures" of > grads not when I have the real thing...LOLOL! linda fasciano Mon 5/17/2010 9:31 PM Sally ? Just got back from the eye infirmary. Six hours of testing. My eyes are dilated, can barely see... I was told that my eyes are actually better than last year, not much but not worse. Still do not know exactly what is going on. From: > Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 11:58:42 -0700 > To: > Subject: Viewer?? > > > Well, he could never get it unzipped or to work he deleted > it and tried downloading the EXE file.... > He says that doesn't work either....I have not gone to the laptop to > try....but don't you just put in the URL in the viewer? > > Thanks!!!! linda fasciano Sun 5/16/2010 8:37 PM Sally ? Here is my instruction page. If it still does not work, then it does not work on Windows 7, which is what Bob has. rom: To: Subject: WebTv Viewer !! Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 20:12:15 -0400 Hi Linda, Thanks for the WebTv Viewer Tute, I followed your instructions and it worked great. I have Windows 7 and it says that some programs might not work but, the Web Viewer works great. Thanks again, Bob linda fasciano Mon 5/17/2010 2:32 AM ? Every few months or so, the webTV viewer will ask you to re-register the tool. Just fill out the form and send it. Then it will tell you that msn webTV page could not be reached. That's OK, it will bring the tool back up as usual. Just so the PC knows you tried to register, it will let you continue using it. It is great for taking screenshots of your gradtables...then you can use the 25 clips to crop it.From: > Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 12:53:09 -0700 > To: > Subject: [Biz] Google teams with Sony and Untel for new "smart" webTV > > > Well, well........ > > linda fasciano Thu 5/20/2010 9:59 PM Server Business ? Wonder if you need a phone line or internet cable.. inda fasciano Sun 5/23/2010 9:19 AM Sally ? Here is my art work. The main file is called LindaGALLERY.html. You can rename it to index.html. There are 45 files. I can't believe how many files I have of just code snippets. I will have to go through those and do some cleaning out. I am thinking of leaving webby. My rent just went up $100 a month and I do not use webby much now since Joe closed the NG. The php group has been limping for a while, and we still have our private group on the email. I don't go to any other NG on webby...except to lurk but that is rare. Not even the html groups are very active nowadays. My building was sold and the new landlord has been doing a lot of repairs/upgrading, etc. I could move, but I doubt that would help me out as far as rent goes, as it is still lower than the norm. In 2 years I will be eligible for Senior Citizen's housing. My brother is planning on moving to Florida. I don't know if I want to go that far. Something to think about though. rom: > Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 08:20:07 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Tableart > > > Oh, wonderful!!!!! Thanks so much for doing that....I've really had fun > though looking at all the art while fixing it...I'll never get over how > creative people are....just some incredible stuff....!! > > And about webby....does not surprise me...when you said you get used to > the PC and it's like webby I knew you were gone....LOLOL! Maybe some day > I'll get used to the PC but right now, I still hate it...I bank, play > scrabble and spider solitare, and I only play to take up time so the > stupid PC can upgrade....I'm not sure why I even upgrade it...LOLOL! > > $100 is quite a raise in rent....and Florida?? Hurricanes, and > humidity.....yuk!! But I could never do Boston either, too > cold....LOLOL! > I think in my older years I'm just cantankerous!! LOLOL! Maybe we ought to get some more people in our group and get it > going....but seems no one wants to script...guess we could could just > post anything.....what do you think?? I'd like to get something going... From: > Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 11:54:14 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Tableart > > > Well, there's the problem with doing a group....I don't want Mike or > Byron in it.... > in the NGs I can ignore them....And as for Mike..I'll never interact > with him again...he's done in my book....Byron's okay he just tends to > harp...LOLOL! JMO!! > > I doubt there will ever be NGs like webby has again.....they really are > special.... > > If we do a group I think it has to be more than scripting...?? inda fasciano Sun 5/23/2010 7:09 PM Sally ? I don't know what else there is to do, besides Ming and IM command line. I do not have those PC programs like PSP or Gimp and don't plan on getting them. I am not into imaging so much as the other imagers, and those groups are still around. Javascript does not work on the PC and webby in the same way, so I am not interested in doing that either. I know what you mean about Mike. As much as I managed to learn from his scripts, I have not missed him being around. Byron is at least greatful and will try to understand if there has been some misunderstanding, as opposed to Mike who is always right, even when he is wrong. He blames everything on the server, even when the script is wrong. I think I am also going to let go of my Zbox account. I only used it a handful of times in the past year. That domain name too I am going to let expire. I should check Zbox to see if there is anything over there I still want, but I think they are all duplicate scripts of stuff I have at Arbor, except Mike's tool.From: > Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 10:42:27 -0700 > To: > Subject: Do U Have? > > > Do you have a phonifier script?? > > I'm thinking of putting one on Tandem...Joe opened another NG, just for > art, all kinds of art people do, interesting stuff on the web or > whatever people make...and I thought we might get some URLs from folks > that have webbys and PC's and find stuff with them webby can not see.... inda fasciano Tue 5/25/2010 9:04 PM Sally ? No I do not have a phonifier, as I did not need it, having a PC. Byron has one, I've seen him post it in several groups. I'm surprised Joe opened another group. I thought he was tired of running a NG. The art does not interest me too much, especially if it is done with a program I do not have...LOL Been looking at some gaming scripts, but they are in action script, which I do not know. Have to look some more. I may do more Ming stuff. Right now I have more training to do at work on a new program and that has me a little frazzled. From: > Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 14:40:24 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Do U Have? > > > Ok, thanks.... > > Gaming huh.....I'm not into that too much, unless you mean those swf > games ...but show me where you go...I'm always open to check stuff out!! linda fasciano Tue 5/25/2010 10:15 PM Sally ? I'm not too interested in gaming either as much as making something interactive. Look at the Virtual guitar/drums/piano on these swf's. Feel free to take anything here you might want. You will have to go on PC to best view them. rom: > Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 15:38:34 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Do U Have? > > > Oh, no not interested.....might make some but not interested in > playing...LOLOL! > > There's got to be something we can learn that's fun....LOL! inda fasciano Tue 5/25/2010 10:47 PM Sally ? I wish we could figure out how to use a sprint at least. I have scripts that use one but can't get it to use it twice. From: > Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 17:47:36 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Do U Have? > > > You mean sprite?? > I do know you have to give it a different name than the first one....We > should work on that...good idea! inda fasciano Wed 5/26/2010 5:53 AM Sally ? Yes, I mean sprite..LOL I might have a script that uses it more than once. Let me go look. inda fasciano Wed 5/26/2010 6:15 AM Sally ? Well I just checked, and I only have the scripts we shared before, and then I have a long complicated action script that writes a sprite as a function, but it only adds it to the page once. From: > Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 13:01:13 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Sprites > > > LOLOL! Well a square named square for all four sides is one thing but > how do you make this a sprite? This is one frame of my bird one > move....LOLOL! I now do know how to cut the code down a lot > though.....LOL! > > $myMovie->nextFrame(); > $myNec->move(5,0); > $myoneShape1->move(5,0); > $myoneShape1B->move(5,0); > $myoneShape1C->move(5,0); > $myGold->move(5,0); > $myPink->move(5,0); > $myTeal->move(5,0); > $oneCac2->move(5,0); > $myShape14->move(5,0); > $myShape15->move(5,0); > $myoneLeg->Rotate(25); $myoneLeg->move(5,0); > $myBear->move(5,0); > $mytwoShape1->move(5,0); > $mytwoShape1B->move(5,0); > $mytwoShape1C->move(5,0); > $mytwoLeg->Rotate(-25); > $mytwoLeg->move(5,0); inda fasciano Thu 5/27/2010 9:12 PM Sally ? From what I understand, a sprite is a movie within a movie. In other words it has its own frames and time, etc. From: Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 14:21:05 -0700 To: Subject: RE: Sprites Ok, a movie in a movie...makes sense... So how do I add my bird tapdancing across the screen into a different script? Or is my sprite all of those parts and do you add them all where they add the square sprite?? Can you tell I'm confused? Still this is where I left off and I'm still at a road block.... inda fasciano Thu 5/27/2010 9:31 PM Sally ? I really have no clue. I worked many hours trying to figure it out with no luck. I tried to add a countdown to a movie but that did not work. From: > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 17:36:16 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] SERVER NEWS > > > I HOPE WE CAN ALL KEEP IN TOUCH RIGHT HERE....!! I'D LOVE TO HEAR WHAT > FOLKS ARE DOING BOTH ON AND OFF THE WEB..... > > LINDA AND I ARE TRYING TO GET SPRITES TO WORK IN MING, NOT MUCH LUCK > YET......SHE'S LEAVING WEBBY TOO.... > > JOE IS OPENING A NEW NG FOR ART...ANY KIND OF ART MADE IN ANY WAY.... > > LACEY...YOUR MAILBOX IS FULL....I NEED AN ALTERNATE ADDY FOR YOU...IF > THIS GOES THROUGH.... > > TOM HAS CLEANED UP ALL THE STRAY FILES ON THE SERVER....I LOST SOME > WHILE I WAS GRABBING AND FIXING TABLEART... > > JOE TOO HAS BEEN WORKING ON THE TABLEART....WE'VE GOT A GREAT > COLLECTION.....I'M WAITING TO HEAR FROM GOLF AND WASNT.... > > I'VE ALSO BEEN GOING THROUGH LILYS THINGS.....MARY TOOK HER CAT SITE AND > MAYCAT TOOK HER ALPHAS, AND LACEY TOOK HER FONT LINKS PAGE..... > > DAVE YOUR BOX IS FULL.....AND IF YOU WANT SOME OF YOUR ART IN THE > MASTERS FILES WRITE ME... > > WE ARE TWO MONTHS FROM ROLL OVER OF THE SERVER....MONEY DUE IN SIX WEEKS > $80 EACH WITH THE PEOPLE WE HAVE NOW.....SOME OF YOU WILL HAVE DOMAINS > DUE, THAT INVOICE WILL BE READY SOON.... > > HOW WAS YOUR TRIP FLO? > > HOW ARE YOUR DOGS PAULIE? > > MICA, YOU OK? > > MOON? > > GOOD TO SEE MOM AND BOB, AND BECKY THE BUSY!! LOLOL!! > > FRANK, WE ALL UNDERSTAND AND AT SOME POINT WE'LL ALL BE PC BUT BOB AND I > WILL ONLY GO KICKING AND SCREAMING....LOL!! > inda fasciano Sat 5/29/2010 7:19 AM Server Business ? I am seriously thinking of leaving webTV for the same reasons as went up (new landlord). Do not use webby so much since the NGs are closing. I have a question though. There is a group on webby if you search the discuss and type guitar beginner in the box. You will find a group called alt.guitar.beginner. I can access this group with both webby and Google. I don't know if it is a webby group or a usenet group or what. Does anybody know? I once posted in the group, just to be sure it was the same as the group on Google, and when I checked it on Google Groups, my postings were there, even though I used webby to post. It would be nice to have a group that both webby and PC can access easily. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 08:15:08 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~All > > My e-mail addy is or this one > > Maybe someday we'll all be on facebook. LOL inda fasciano Sat 5/29/2010 9:18 PM Server Business ? My rent goes up in August, so I have a little time to clean out my webby stuff, but I think I have most of it cleaned out already. If I do get rid of webby (which most likely I will), then I will no longer need the land line phone and will probably change that too. Is anybody here using Fios?? We have recently had it installed in our area--actually they came right into our building and installed wires in my closet up through the closets in the building on all 4 floors. I am using Cable right now for my PC. I guess there are 3 apartments in this building (of about 27) that use an analog line. The last time we had a storm here, the phone went dead and 911 showed up at my apartment twice. They said the phone was automatically calling 911 even though it was dead, and that 3 apartments in our building were calling 911. He told me that even if I unplugged the phone, it would still call 911 because it was something in the wiring...and it was a good thing I was home because they would have broken my door down to get in. I expect that some day we may all be required to go digital with the phones too. On Facebook, I just go on there to play games (Farmville) with my niece and nephew and some of their friends. Nobody else has access to my Facebook Account unless I give it to them. Facebook is nothing like a NG though. You have to hunt around for recent posts in the other person's profile. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 17:45:45 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~All > > I'M USING FiOS - VERIZON, I PRESUME YOU MEAN. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER IT'S BETTER THAN CABLE, AS I'VE NEVER HAD CABLE PHONE. > > BUT ONCE MY SPECIAL PRICE EXPIRED, THE PRICE SHOT WAY UP. A SHOCK - I SHOULD HAVE ASKED WHAT THE PRICE WOULD BE BEFORE I SIGNED ON. > > FiOS INTERNET IS VERY FAST AND I RARELY HAVE PROBLEMS - A SLOW-DOWN ONCE IN A WHILE. THE ONLY MAJOR PROBLEM WAS THE CONVERTER/TRANSFORMER THAT PLUGS INTO THE WALL SOCKET - IT HAD TO BE REPLACED, BUT IT FAILED BEFORE THE WARRANTY EXPIRED - YIPEE! > > TV SERVICE VARIES BY REGION, SO I CAN'T COMMENT ON WHAT CHANNELS YOU MIGHT GET. SINCE I LIVE BETWEEN NYC AND PHILLY, I CAN GET THE NETWORK CHANNELS FOR BOTH CITIES - BUT THEN WHO NEEDS DUPLICATED CHANNELS? I USED TO HAVE LAND LINE PHONE PROBLEMS EACH TIME IT RAINED - THEY COULD NEVER GET THE JUNCTION BOX ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE WATERPROOFED - WE CAN GO TO THE MOON - BUT! SINCE I SWITCHED TO FiOS, NO PHONE PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER. > > I USED TO PAY ONE COMPANY FOR LAND LINE PHONE, ANOTHER FOR TV AND A THIRD FOR INTERNET. NOW IT'S ALL ONE BILL AND I THINK IT'S ABOUT THE SAME AS THE FORMER 3 ADDED TOGETHER. inda fasciano Sat 5/29/2010 10:41 PM Server Business ? Cable had the same deal with the price going up after the first year. I cut down my TV package to make it less. I need a high speed connection for work though. I have lost several days pay because of cable going out over the years. I have to get a new modem about 4 times and now finally bought my own, instead of renting theirs. They tried to tell me I needed a new modem 3 times in the past year, while the modem was less than a year old. Turned out not to be the modem but some other cable problem. I may try Fios to see if I have more consistent service. After the price goes up, I would probably downgrade again. I don't need all those cable channels, just a few that show more than Paid Programming--infomercials. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 23:27:01 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~All > > LOL Linda , i play farmville on fb also....come join the fun with me. linda fasciano Wed 6/2/2010 9:15 PM Server Business ? Great...what name do I look for? You can find me under Linda Fasciano. I have a red guitar on my profile picture. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 08:24:11 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~MOM > > LOL, you're not one of those farmers are you? I had the fish tanks, but got bored with those quickly. Now I've gone back to my much younger days and have my own Pot Farm. At least on FB there's no paranoia of getting busted. > > Is the e-mail addy here the one you use on FB? linda fasciano Wed 6/2/2010 9:17 PM Server Business ? I didn't see a pot farm application. Farmville is more fun/faster, when you have friends playing. Feel free to look me up on FB. Linda Fasciano, Malden, Massachusetts From: > To: > CC: > Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 17:38:56 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~MOM > > yes Patch it is, i have my facebook locked up. dont want all them people i called relatives invading my facebook..LOl so send me your facebook name and I will hunt you down... > Linda sent you a Friend Request already. > > wrote .. > > LOL, you're not one of those farmers are you? I had the fish tanks, but > > got bored with those quickly. Now I've gone back to my much younger days > > and have my own Pot Farm. At least on FB there's no paranoia of getting > > busted. > > > > Is the e-mail addy here the one you use on FB? inda fasciano Wed 6/2/2010 9:58 PM Server Business ? Thanks, I added you and sent a Farmville neighbor request. I don't play the Mafia Wars but go in Social city once in a while. Farmville stuff is about all you will see on my profile. LOL From: > To: > CC: > Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 18:33:37 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~MOM > > well I gots me 4 farms can we say addict? my son doesnt do farmville anymore so I took over his farm, I can now do a co-op all by myself between the 4 accts..LOL gotta love them critters. And for my Birthday a few of my friends gave me stuff that you have to purchase, that was a nice surprise. > > linda fasciano wrote .. > > > > Thanks, I added you and sent a Farmville neighbor request. I don't play > > the Mafia Wars but go in Social city once in a while. > > Farmville stuff is about all you will see on my profile. LOL linda fasciano Wed 6/2/2010 10:48 PM Server Business ? Four farms!. I'm lucky I have time to tend to 1 farm. I will have to jump on to one of your co-op's. If you need more neighbors, my niece and friends would be glad to add you. I'll have to check out your farm later when I get off work. Working till midnight everynight. From: > Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 08:28:49 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~?? > > > So what can we do on FB that we can not do on this list?? inda fasciano Thu 6/3/2010 9:32 PM Server Business ? One thing you can do on FB that we can't do here is read everybody's comments all at once with having to click on each individual comment, and they would all be lined up under the main heading/topic....if you can find it (LOL). What happens is there is a group, say we had a group. We each have our own page. If we are all connected as friends than whatever we talk about shows up on a Home page...the is a community page that posts most recent messages. But if you have 10 people and they all posted something on their own private page, you may not see all 10 on the home page, and would have to navigate to their private page to see what they are do this by clicking on their picture...or if no picture there is a silouette next to their name which you click on. We would probably need a BIZ page for the important stuff and keep the personal stuff on our own pages. We can play games, as mentioned, like farmville, I'll have to check out the Pot ville one. Here you build a farm with crops and animals and buildings and your friends help on your farm and you help on their farm. It can be creative. When I started out I had a maze all over my farm and watched my avatar navigate this maze for everything it had to do like plant crops or feed animals, etc. Then the farm got too big for the maze so I removed it. You can just use the farm for drawing things with bales of different colored hay like we do with tables. Every week they have a featured farm that they show as being unique. These are usually farms that are well advanced. I don't have enough money on my farm to buy some of those items but I'm getting more and more. Sometimes they will ask you to draw something with hay bales and show those. People draw pictures, etc. I know you don't care for games but this one is kind of fun, sometimes monotonous when trying to start it out but can be addicting. All of the game advancements are also posted on the home page. If somebody found a bull on their farm they can tell the others there is a bull up for adoption (automatic) and they can click on it on the profile page and it will be added to their farm. it is someplace to go when you have nothing else to do on the PC. From: > Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 14:54:04 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~?? > > > My gosh you lost me about a third of the way down!!! LOLOL! Sounds like > a version of Chat... > > > it is someplace to go when you have nothing else to do on the PC. > > > I never have anything to do on PC after I've checked the bank.....I'm > looking for something TO do on PC.....LOLOL! linda fasciano Thu 6/3/2010 10:22 PM Server Business ? Well it is free to sign up for an account. You can check it out. If you don't like it, you can close the account. On the facebook page you will see some links on the top right hand corner that say HOME PROFILE ACCOUNT etc. The home page is where you are brought to when you log into facebook and you can see what all your friends did that day. Your PROFILE page is where you can see what you did that day. ACCOUNT is where you can log out or access other things like your personal settings/privacy, etc. The Farmville game became so popular that they were thinking of leaving facebook and building their own website for the game. They have since come to some agreement with facebook and are not going to do that now. I don't think everybody will follow them if they left. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 00:48:23 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~?? > > Sally, there are a ton of different games. Not just the farms. Card games etc. I play one called Mahjongg. It's an irritating game where you click as many matching tiles as you can in 60 seconds. It's addicting. > > You can also post picture albums and videos. I know some people that have over 500 friends. I think those people just add anyone who they meet. On the home page there is a list of recent posts made by your friends. It's the perfect way for me to keep up with all my relatives at once. inda fasciano Fri 6/4/2010 4:50 PM Server Business ? I have a few games you can put on our server and play from there. I have Mahjongg. Just right click on the URL and hit properties to get the URL for transloading. Click on the URL to see the game. They don't work on webby. I checked out that potville game on FB. It took forever to load. I could not figure out how to play, and then it would not let me out when I tried to leave. I had to use task manager. Task manager told me that I had closed the page before it was done doing something....I don't know what it was trying to do. I think I will just stick with the farmville game. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 01:51:33 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~?? > > well for one > it can be made a exclusive page. instead of opening each individual email, it would have the newgroups type page, so when we have a debate or topic instead of being bomboared with emails, there is a thread to view with all the replies in a row. > > you have option of who views that page, so you can keep it within a specific group of people, which would be our server, information can be blocked from other eyes...but if we needed to go back and reference something ...we could easily find it. > The pages can be set up for a main board, but it also has a place where you could click on for discussions, this can be made very private in viewing and has to be invite only. > there is where the threads are like the newsgroup... > > ok here is a screen shots > fb-1 is what our individual home page looks like, all our friends can post to us > > fb-2 is a group and this is the front page, again this is a private group page and no one reads it unless the are on the invited list and accepted > > > fb-3 is inside the group where it list different thread titles we can look to see which one we want to reply to and it is dated for last entry and last person who posted on it > > fb-4 is what it looks like once you clicked on a thread in the discussions > > so all information is retained in one place, only people to view these discussions are the only ones on the list to view them, they are easily gotten to with thread title and date. > linda fasciano Fri 6/4/2010 5:21 PM Server Business ? You must have the older version of FB because my pages do not look like that anymore. They are the same idea but the tabs on top are different. Don't have the discussion page. linda fasciano Sat 6/5/2010 9:45 PM Server Business ? I checked out that potville game on FB. It took forever to load. I could > > not figure out how to play, and then it would not let me out when I tried > > to leave. I had to use task manager. Task manager told me that I had > > closed the page before it was done doing something....I don't know what > > it was trying to do. I think I will just stick with the farmville game They looked like a bunch of homeless people growing it in a public park. You'd think they would have the decency to grow it in private on their own property. There is only 1 guy in my group playing the mafia wars. I think he iced 75 people or so. Don't know if he is connected to others. I have a very small group of people. I have not looked for anyone. Got my niece, nephew, one long time friend, and the rest are my niece's friends. As far as webby people on Facebook goes, I know they cannot access it. But just thinking about the future when webby is gone, we might want to think about some other format where we can spend more time, since we won't be going to the NG anymore. You can feel quite isolated on the PC after being on webby for so long. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 04:20:14 -0400 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Sorry Guys, Leaving Webtv~?? > > LOL Linda sounds like you got BUSTED on your Pot farm...they were trying to detain you til they gathered the evidence..LOL > only you can get trapped trying to grow pot in a Pot game.. linda fasciano Mon 6/28/2010 1:20 AM Server Business Subject: Re: [Biz] Taps ? I have officially left webTV. The tech asked me for the reason and I told her I was switching to digital phone. All she said was "very good". Below is my hotmail sig. It does not take rfi files or swf files. At least it will show images. From: > Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 18:40:32 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] Taps > > > Just when we got the new NG going....LOL! > > So what are you running on the PC? linda fasciano Mon 6/28/2010 2:12 AM Server Business ? Windows XP Professional. Hewlett Packard. From: > Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 19:00:39 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] Taps > > > Well,I meant.....Vista,XP home or professional, IE7 or 8? LOLOL Hide message history > From: > Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 12:34:56 -0700 > To: > Subject: [Biz] LINKS > > ANYONE GOT ANYTHING THEY WANT ON?? RECIPES? ART? TOOLS? STORIES? POEMS? > linda fasciano Fri 7/2/2010 6:38 AM Server Business ? Command line montage scripts. From: > Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 16:58:45 -0700 > To: > Subject: Proofread?? > > > Will you check for typos and understanding?? Thanks!! > > inda fasciano Sat 7/3/2010 6:10 AM Sally ? I see no errors. You might want to use the < and > symbols around the br so that it stands out more as a html code. Looks like your starting all over with tabling lessons. You might mention that the gif will expand to the size you request, so that they don't think they need 3 different gifs From: > Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 18:24:46 -0700 > To: > Subject: proof-read? > > > I think I got lost in here at one point...LOL! > Thanks... > > linda fasciano Tue 7/6/2010 5:33 PM Sally ? It does get confusing when you are used to doing it with css. Anyway all I can see is that you would need a valign="bottom" on the second row to get the middle image down to 100 pixels and the height=25 transparency at the bottom. rom: > Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 12:33:27 -0700 > To: > Subject: Webbys > > > Ok, Dave wants them.....if you pack them up and send them to him then > whatever the postage is, he'll put on his August payment for your > account?? That ok? > > If it's over $30, never mind...LOLOL! > Good old Dave.... > > Thanks!! inda fasciano Sat 7/10/2010 5:28 PM Sally ? I'll need his address info. From: > Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 10:37:04 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Webbys > > > Dave Olson > 247 E. Elmwood Ave. > Falconer, NY 14733 > > 716-665-3689 > > Thanks! linda fasciano Sat 7/10/2010 7:01 PM Sally ? OK, got it all packed in one box so it's kind of heavy, but don't know the cost yet. Can't get to the post office until Tuesday. I'll find out the cost then. inda fasciano Tue 7/13/2010 6:23 PM Sally ? OK I got it in the mail at 2 PM today. Snail mail...LOL $28.79 From: > Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 11:44:21 -0700 > To: > Subject: Project? > > HUGE there a way to shorten it to the chorus and make it a > midi? Jerry was looking for it for a page he's not around that > I can find either.... > > > > > Real player file..... > > > > If you're too busy or whatever, don't bother...he doesn't know I wrote > you..... linda fasciano Sun 7/18/2010 3:48 AM Sally ? I can cut it down and make a wav or MP3 but no midi. inda fasciano Sun 7/18/2010 6:51 AM Sally ? Here is an MP3 of the chorus, if he wants it. Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 12:59:29 -0400 From: To: Subject: Re: [Biz] Set Top Box (Someone hasn't told this "Dan" guy that there are still close to a million people using Webtv. LOL) sure sounds like GoogleTV is same as Webtv to me! ~Mica May 24, 2010 11:11 AM, Google TV is not WebTV By Dan O'Shea The first thing I thought of while listening to Google formally announce its Google TV strategy last week was Microsoft?s WebTV platform. I know I was not alone in this thought, but why did new ideas about how to use new software to conjure a hybrid TV/Internet world so immediately make us think of an effort that failed to take off nearly a decade and a half ago? Google TV is trying to do some of what WebTV was trying to do way back when, but the passage of time and innovations along the way in the Internet, TV and broadband access sectors have made all the difference in the world. We had search engines in the mid-90s, but nothing like what Google is now and nothing like search engine optimization, which is now its own mature science. We were watching a lot of TV back in the mid-90s, but our idea of time-shifted TV was recording an episode of ?Seinfeld? while we snuck out for a pint, returning later to realize that our roommate had already watched the episode and was now taping a hockey game over it that we would relish telling him the result of the next morning before he had a chance to watch it. So, DVRs have changed things, but there also has been a more recent and still-developing shift in how major movie and TV studios view content rights. They even let the Hulu experiment see the light if day and become a huge success to the point where they want ? and see how they can get ? a piece of the action. Broadband has evolved as well. Back in the day, a lot of people were expected to use WebTV with a chintzy dial-up connection, but now broadband is more the norm than a lot of us would care to admit. All of these advancements set the stage for Google TV to succeed in a way that WebTV never had the chance to. Does that mean Google TV will automatically be a hit? No, because even though it starts from higher ground, there is still much to be figured out: advertising structures and scenarios; how much Google TV will cost the average consumer; how willing consumers will be to buy new TVs this fall, probably less than a year after many of them bought the latest HDTV set; how ready traditional vendors and service providers will be to adapt to a set-top box?less future; how much consumers really want to watch Web-derived video content when given an easier chance. Google TV still faces plenty of questions, but WebTV it is not. In a way, the timing for Google TV couldn?t be better because the Federal Communications Commission is now looking to use regulation to force a TV technology and business model migration that had trouble taking off on its own. That AllVid Concept faces plenty of its own questions, and it may not come about as quickly as the FCC seems ready for it to, but Google TV gives us a glimpse of how things might work in the AllVid era. By the way, maybe it?s unfair to say the original WebTV concept ?failed.? Surely it was not the success Microsoft hoped for, but the software giant later fed WebTV research and talent into projects like the Xbox video game console, which in case you hadn?t noticed is a budding Internet video box. It also influenced what later become the first generation of DVRs, as well as the first generation of boxes designed to bring the Internet to TV, including Microsoft?s MSN TV. That makes the road from WebTV to Google TV seem something like a continuous evolution. Maybe that?s why it jumped to mind after all these years. Find this article at: On 7/8/10, wrote: They will never upgrade webtv.....the technology is line phones will be gone in a few years,,,,,Webtv also will not has only changed in form.. It's going to be built right into your 3DTV in the future....and everyone will have broadband..... inda fasciano Sun 7/18/2010 3:57 AM Server Business ? Looks a lot like webTV. No downloads. But does have flash. Will have a kind of webTV viewer type application available and rules for scripting for Google TV. No word on the price. Out in the fall 2010. He does sound like he has never seen a webTV and has no idea what it could do. They talk about the things that went wrong, but do not notice the things that were right with webTV, things that PC cannot seem to compare to...such as the Newsgroups and audioscopes, etc. inda fasciano Mon 7/19/2010 7:17 AM Sally ? Have not done any scripting for a while. Between a second bout of sinusitis followed by a root canal--still need a post and crown, but already had the impression for that, I did some scripting. Here it is. rom: > Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 08:06:55 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: Scripting > > > Geez, more problems.....!!! I'm sure glad I had my teeth done....they > really needed help and I can sure chew better!! I was avoiding some > things because I could not chew them right....once they get fixed, might > help some of the sickness.....all that poison from your teeth goes into > your bloodstream...! > > That's a cute page....I put it for August links...I did that tute and > since then I've been doing a lot of cleaning and editing...thinking > about doing a sheep thing...LOL! nda fasciano Mon 7/19/2010 6:19 PM Sally ? I just got back from the dentist and got the post and a composite instead of the crown. The tooth would have had to be cut down for the crown so they put a composite instead and save me about $400.00. So now I'm done. Once the novacaine wears off I should be on the road to recovery at last. I have been avoiding steak, but not my favorite food anyway. Have not missed it. I do see the dentist 3 times a year for a cleaning because I can't use toothpaste because of the alcohol in it or the backing soda in the nonalcoholic toothpaste. I decided to make those swf files because it would have been hard to make a form that outputs an swf. I may do a couple more with different fonts. The files are very small. rom: > Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 12:24:02 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Scripting > > > Hey, saving money is a good shopping around I went from > almost $4000 to $1800....! I was missing nuts!! Now I can eat them...!! linda fasciano Tue 7/20/2010 4:36 AM Sally ? Nuts, yes I've been avoiding those too, but can't say I have missed them. Guess I like them more in the winter. Buy raw almonds, place in pot of water and bring just to a boil, drain, put on cookie sheet, spread kosher salt on them and back at 350 for 20 minutes or so, depending on how wet they were. They should be crunchy when cooled a minute or 2, if not leave in oven for a few minutes more. I have dental insurance through work, so I can't really shop around. The root canal was totally free because it was in the eye tooth position. The crown is not covered or composites so I had to pay for either. Only needed a composite. If the composite breaks I will need to have the rest of the tooth pulled and get a tooth added to my partial. I have a partial for some back teeth that I lost in an infected root canal years ago. From: > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 08:16:37 -0400 > To: > Subject: Re: Ming script question > > Just wanted to make sure you new that I didn't mean your script had > errors just that with my ming and php upgrade that it wasn't compatible > on my server without updating some of the functions. > > btw, with my script you wouldn't have to hit your back button to make a > new swf, just fill in the form again and click submit. > inda fasciano Sat 8/14/2010 7:02 PM Byron ? I'm still doing stuff on pc. I changed my phone to digital FIOS so I had to give up webTV. I found myself going on to the webTV less and less with all the newsgroups closing, especially Joe's group...even though he opened a new group. I do not do much stuff with imaging, unless I can put it into a script. Arbor has not updated to the new PHP6 (whatever) because it is still in beta and htere are no tutes out there yet on using it. I believe the SERVER_PHP SELF thingly is no longer valid in the new php. I believe we have the latest Ming on Arbor. Try this script and see if it works. I don't think ming likes it when you enclose the ming and php/html all in one {} so that did not work for me. This is what it looks like. I have not been to Mike's group in a while. I may check it out and see if it lets me in. Sometimes it will not let me in, sometimes it will. That is why I stopped going there. rom: > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 15:52:27 -0400 > To: > Subject: RE: Ming script question > > Linda try this on your site and see if it gives you an idea of what I'm > talking about. > > linda fasciano Sat 8/14/2010 9:15 PM Byron ? No, does not show. I guess you cannot give it a unique name. It will work with a static fixed swf name, butthen it will overwrite that file each time the button is pushed, which is not the best way to go it you wanted to offer a tool to someone. It is ok for youself to use. But if you get a bunch of people working on a form at once they may not get their file. i've looked all over the web on how to do this, but no luck finding an answer. I can't understand how it can make the proper file but then not display it. ? From: > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:22:02 -0400 > To: > Subject: RE: Ming script question > > Try commenting this line on the fix script: > > header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash'); > > You can give each swf a unique name with a random number > > $rand = rand(1,1000000); > > then add $rand to part of the swf name and don't let them choose a > unique name themselves. inda fasciano Sat 8/14/2010 9:39 PM Byron ? I already tried that. I had the same problem..and it was made more difficult by my not knowing what number was given to the new swf file. That is why I changed to an identifier. Of course I can always tell people that their url will be http://www.yourSite/yourDirectory/BoxMaker_yourID.swf...and they can transload it. It would save me from having to worry about hot links because a newbie may now know to change the ID and any ID created will be overwritten. I could leave that box blank too. This is not the actual script I planned on using. it is just something I used for testing. thanks for your suggestions. I also tried putting the form on another page and made the action=the ming page. That didn't work. Multipart form data did not work. Oh well. I think the browser gets redirected and does not know what I'm looking for anymore. From: > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 18:19:19 -0400 > To: > Subject: RE: Ming script question > > Finally figured out how to use it. :) > > > > Pretty cool. ? ? ? ? ? linda fasciano Sun 8/15/2010 1:28 AM Byron ? Wow, that works great. I took out the identifier. Did you know you could change the background color on an swf inside the html? That is cool too. You may have noticed a gradient function in that script that is not being used. As I said, I was playing with scrips. you can see that in action here. You can also see how that font is supposed to look when it is allowed to align by itself. Just type a word in the box. Another test script that will come in handy. From: > Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 22:18:52 -0400 > To: > Subject: RE: Ming script question > > I found your tool in your directory. Here'a an idea to dress it up just > a little. :) Gives people an idea of what it does. > > > inda fasciano Sun 8/15/2010 3:03 AM Byron ? Yes, that looks cool. Yes it did work on the PC by embedding the swf instead of opening in a new window. That was a surprise. the tool in my directory is not exactly the same as the one I sent. I was playing with that script but not getting the results I wanted. As far as the HTML goes there are things you cn do on the html page to affect the appearance of the swf. This code will open it to fit into a window. Change the line to to get a background color change to what you want. or use This file uses both the exactfit and the transparent params. From: To: Subject: RE: Ming script question Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 03:03:00 +0000 Yes, that looks cool. Yes it did work on the PC by embedding the swf instead of opening in a new window. That was a surprise. the tool in my directory is not exactly the same as the one I sent. I was playing with that script but not getting the results I wanted. As far as the HTML goes there are things you cn do on the html page to affect the appearance of the swf. This code will open it to fit into a window. Change the line to to get a background color change to what you want. or use This file uses both the exactfit and the transparent params. I just learned from Sally that the transparency does not work with webTV. It only works with PC. You can change the bgcolor though. From: > Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 11:46:05 -0400 > To: > Subject: Sweeper Script > > Here's something you might want to add to your tools? A file sweeper > script. This will check the age of the files and if they are older than > 48 hours old it will delete them. You can change how many hours old if > you like. You would put this script in the same directory as your box > maker tool and it would sweep the swf subdirectory. > > I've got it set for your swf drectory and it looks for files older than > 48hrs. > > > > After you've put the sweeper script in that tool directory you would add > it to the bottom of your box maker tool like this: > > include("sweeper.php"); > ?> Then anytime somebody clicked on to the box maker it would run the > sweeper script and check for old files in the swf directory. Keeps you > from manually having to delete old files. > > > inda fasciano Sun 8/15/2010 7:56 PM Byron ? Thanks, that will come in handy I want to try some different font effects with the script. Maybe add a list of fonts too. So I still have some work to do. But I needed to resolve those issues before I moved on with a tool. rom: Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 16:30:28 -0400 To: Subject: RE: Sweeper Script When your finished maybe you'll post it at Mike's group? :) linda fasciano Sun 8/15/2010 8:39 PM Byron ? Sure. Here is a page of sample effects. From: Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 16:46:06 -0400 To: Subject: RE: Sweeper Script You know webtv and it's old browser. Most of those just show a blue square. :( linda fasciano Mon 8/16/2010 1:26 AM Byron ? Oh, didn't think of that. Basically they show different text effects. I thought they might show since they were on the other site, but maybe they require flash 8 or something. From: > Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 11:49:32 -0400 > To: > Subject: Box Tool > > So how's your box tool coming, have you finished it yet? ? ? ? ? ? linda fasciano Wed 9/1/2010 6:42 PM Byron ? I am using a lot of includes on the script. Got each of the movements on an include so the one you click is the script it uses. I still want to add a fade in effect and maybe a drop in, and whatever else I can think of. If you know of any movements let me know. Also want to add more layers. I have a tool on the PC that changes ttf fronts to fdb fonts (but it does not work with every ttf) so I need to look for some dingbats that would work. Perhaps add themes for holidays, etc. I tried to find a variety of fonts to use for the text generation and I think I probably have enough of those. Some of them look alike but there is a variety. It should be easy to modify scripts now that I have a collection of them. May try some drawing overlays, such as a box drawn around the banner, etc. If you have any ideas pass them along. Thanks again for your help. If you want a copy at any time let me know. From: > Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 15:00:22 -0400 > To: > Subject: RE: Box Tool PS > > Yeah I really like the ability to be able to use includes with php. > Makes things allot simpler. Great job on the tool, it's really come > along since I saw it. I told Mike you might be posting with us if you > got a chance. inda fasciano Wed 9/1/2010 8:25 PM Byron ? Well I tried to get into Mike's forem but it won't let me in. First it did not like my password and since I could not be sure if I had it correct or not I clicked on forgot password. It gave me a new one but when I went back to log in it would not let me. From: > To: > Subject: New password > Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 19:14:40 -0700 > > Hi Linda. I can't get your old PW because even if I figured out how it > would be an encrypted hash but as administrator I can change your PW to > something new. It is now: > > LingoLinda_otagryuy > > You can change it once you log in. > -- > DJ Mike > > > -- > - The professional email service inda fasciano Thu 9/2/2010 5:08 AM ? Hi Mike, I tried again to log in with your info but it told me I had an incorrect or inactive username. If you can set it up with LingoLinda as the name and password that would be good. Thanks. DJ Mike Fri 9/3/2010 1:44 AM You ? What is happening when you try to log in? Are you getting some kind of error message? I just logged in as you with the username and password below. User: LingoLinda Password: LingoLinda_otagryuy From: > Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 18:02:46 -0700 > To: > Subject: [Biz] LINKS > > > OK GUYS GOT A FEW MORE SPOTS FOR LINKS... GOT WEENY GOODIES?? > PATCH, GOT YOUR PUMPKINS, NORBERT GOT YOUR MIDIS... > > SEND THEM IN inda fasciano Mon 9/27/2010 7:45 PM Server Business ? Got the Adams Family for halloween...that's about it. inda fasciano Sat 9/25/2010 5:37 AM DJ Mike ? Hi Mike, I tried to post a reply on the NG but my internet explorer crashed before I sent it through and then when I went back it would not let me post...sent me to the spam page. Anyway I looked around and found a page that says you need to apply for a license to download or distribute a flash player on a CD. You can check it out. I was still using the old password that you had sent me on your site. Don't know if it is banned now. User: LingoLinda Password: LingoLinda_otagryuy From: > To: > Subject: Re: Ming Flash > Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:52:44 -0700 > > Crashed? Do you remember any more details? I though that I removed all > of my old filters but even if I didn't they shouldn't do that. If you > got redirected there must be something of my older filters left. My new > ones are only triggered by drug, porn, scam and other obscure spam > phrases that I can't imagine you using. They only block IP's if I > manually add them. My last log of you is > > Visiter ID: 92ae9787005b856774033088cefec3bd > Date Time: 2010-09-25 01:27:47 > Day: 2010-09-25 > IP: > Host: > Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; > GTB6.5; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; > .NET CLR 3.5.30729) > Viewed: Language: en-us > Came from: > > Username: LingoLinda > > and my spam database says that has never triggered it. > > > > I tried logging in with your user/password and didn't have any problem. > > I tried installing flash the night after I posted about it and it > _should_ be working. No error messages occurred during installation but > the script didn't show anything but a "you need to install..." message. inda fasciano Tue 9/28/2010 7:44 AM DJ Mike ? Fix flash player.. check it out. Linda ? From: To: Subject: Question ? Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 13:41:57 -0400 Hi Linda, I got a question about a short video postcard that I got from Disney World. I got the URL for it but when I try to upload it to my FM I get a pop-up that says it's a Bad host name and can't upload it. I would like to keep it as a souvenir if it's possible to upload it. I'm sure they will delete it soon. Maybe Disney don't want me to have it LOL. TIA, Bob inda fasciano Thu 10/7/2010 6:05 AM ? No luck with that. It will play but it will not download. Looks like you have to have a paid version of Quick Time pro on your PC in order to download it. I don't know what kind of software it uses. May not be able to be used on the server if it has a certain type of flash player that we do not use...i.e., one made from a flash program as opposed to a Ming script. You would need somebody more computer savvy to help you out with this one. From: > Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 12:08:00 -0700 > To: > Subject: Hey UOK?? > > > Geez why do PC people fall into the "abyss" ?? LOL!!! It's just so > odd... > > Anyway, are you ok?? What's up with your health, work, brother move to > Florida? > > I finally recovered from my broken elbow > and strep throat and in fact feel better now than I have for quite a > time.....Have new glasses coming so,I'm brand new!! LOL!! > > I know you looked at this before and I'm going to work on it too....I > really like this tool and would sure like it back....or something like > it....thumb the images and tile in one step..... > > ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE TIME AND INCLINATION.......Thanks nda fasciano Thu 10/21/2010 9:38 AM Sally ? Is this what that tool is supposed to do? All I did was make a subdirectory called img and put some images in it. From: > Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 10:45:16 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Hey UOK?? > > > Well, it's tiling but not like it should....They are supposed to random > tile....They should look like these and you should be able to change the > size of the grid and the tiles.... > > > > I think I'm doomed...§8-( > > This should be 4 rows 8 wide > > linda fasciano Thu 10/21/2010 7:12 PM Sally ? I'll check it out when I get a chance. I could not figure what that script was supposed to be doing, the first time you sent it. I did notice too that you could not change the size. I put 2 side by side to get it wider. Also they are not scrambled. From: Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:33:57 -0700 To: Subject: RE: Hey UOK?? I really appreciate it but don't fret over it... I think it has to do with the globals changing....I changed them and tried but that didn't work....I'll keep working on it now and then.....thanks! linda fasciano Thu 10/21/2010 10:36 PM Sally ? I don't know enough about object oriented PHP but I did change these number on to var $_overlap=10; var $_tile_w=50; var $_tile_h=50; var $_num_rows=5; var $_num_columns=20; and only put a 4x4 image grid on the html page and got From: > Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 15:14:33 -0700 > To: > Subject: RE: Hey UOK?? > > > Well, after all that.....we got it girl!! Thanks a bunch.....The last > thing was to use "imagecreatetruecolor" in the > was turning everything one the colors are > distinct....!! > Can you believe it was before I learned about true color?? But because I > used photos, it reacted a lot differently.....Anyway it works....Thanks > again... > > nda fasciano Sat 10/23/2010 9:38 AM Sally ? I'm glad we got it working, and in time for your Christmas stuff. Cool script. I like how it changes on the reload too. I've been working on my Medical Transcription stuff. Slow going. but easier to do on line than with paper and pencil. I'm just pretty much sitting in on the classes. I'm about 2 weeks behind..LOL So much stuff to cover. The actual test has to be set up at some outside facility and they only offer it a couple of times a year..though that may be changing with the law too, I don't know. They have not given us any details. This is the only job I've been on where people actually had been certified. I imagine there are thousands of transcriptionists who are not certified. In fact one job I worked at a major hospital Mass General, would not even hire people who were certified or were nurses. I don't know why. Most were college graduates however. Then they ended up outsourcing to India. Wonder if they are certified in India. If the law applied to them. I'm learning stuff but there are some things I don't think I need to know, like lab values. I suppose it might make the work a little more interesting if you understand it, but I don't want to have to know as much as a doctor, I'd have studied Medicine if that were the case. Anyhow, the typing keeps me going. This is what I got so far. I don't know if it would show on webby, might be too wide. I'll have to take a break and do something for Christmas, even if I just add Christmas fonts to my Ming Banner From: > Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 16:14:44 -0700 > To: > Subject: Brushes > > > Here's the original: > > > > Then I made a sample for a brush...18x18 > > > > Here's what I made... > inda fasciano Sun 10/31/2010 4:07 AM Sally ? Wow, that looks incredible. From: > Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:16:32 -0700 > To: > Subject: Brush > > > I used that little balloon icon as a brush and look what I got using > ellipses.. > > inda fasciano Mon 11/1/2010 5:11 PM Sally ? Looks good. I don't know if you can use any of these scripts with a brush. I have not done too much with brushes. From: > Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 16:44:50 -0700 > To: > Subject: Re: Medical Transcription > > > How about I put it on the links.....??OK? > There's enough there to start.. ? Hide message history ? ? ? ? ? linda fasciano Thu 11/11/2010 6:23 AM Sally ? I thought it was already on the Nov links, am I hallucinating...LOL. OK with me. It should go faster now that I got the test/quiz scripts working...just have to gather info to put into them. I still want to put some Christmas fonts on the Ming tool. I did get some from the Tandem collection...just have to see how they look. How are you feeling? I had an EGD last week but don't have the results yet. The doctor said everything looked normal but he took some biopsies. My root canal seems to be acting up again. There is no pain because it is dead, but I'm getting a bad taste from that tooth. I hope it can be saved. Don't want to get a new partial right now. Just spent a lot of money on surgery etc, as well as I still need new eyeglasses. From: To: CC: Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:42:13 -0500 Subject: [Biz] Hosting a Personal Blog on This Server? A lot of my friends use Word Press, which is a free download blogging software - I'd thought Word Press also was a host server. But I find to my surprise that it's not a host server also! Anyway, here's their list of requirements that a host server must have to host a Word Press blog. I think we have all that's necessary: Do any of you have blogs? I keep thinking I might start one, but then the time commitment gets me to thinking maybe I'll wait a bit, lol. Sally, would this check out okay with Steve if I finally do decide to go with Word Press? inda fasciano Wed 11/17/2010 8:51 PM Server Business ? This is a kind of blog which is a php script. You can reply to it but you cannot upload images to it, and it works with webby. This is a chat script that is also a php script and lets you use smilies. I have not used either of them recently but I recall that I had to rewrite some of the script to get it to work...but now I can't recall what I did to them. From: > Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 17:44:18 -0800 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] FLO BLOG > > > > > They do automatic updates just like other program.....and it's a five > minute install....should not be a problem for anyone in this > group....!!! inda fasciano Sat 11/20/2010 8:23 PM Server Business ? I don't understand. Do you download this to your PC or to the server? If you download it to the server, how do you upgrade it? If you download it to your PC then you would need to download PHP too. Linda From: Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 12:37:45 -0800 To: Subject: Re: [Biz] FLO BLOG~Linda I do not know...haven't gotten that far yet...LOL! And why do you think I asked for help???? LOLOL!!! inda fasciano Sun 11/21/2010 5:18 AM Server Business ? Usually they tell you what kind of file it is that you are downloading, if it is a zip or an exec, etc. They don't show any file typle. I guess you find out when you click the button. From: > Subject: Wordpress > To: > CC: > Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 17:16:33 -0500 > > It all goes on the web server...can get zip or here > > > > So it can all be done on the server... linda fasciano Sun 11/21/2010 10:27 PM ? Don't know how to create a database or a mySQL server. From: > Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 14:35:17 -0800 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] MORE WORD PRESS INFO - ALL > > > THE WORDPRESS.ORG SITE HAS ALL THE LESSONS WE NEED....THE SCRIPT COMES > IN ZIP OR TARZIP AND ALL OF IT GOES ON THE SERVER..... > > THERE ARE STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS AND AS I SAID BEFORE, 90% OF IT YOU > WILL LEAVE AT DEFAULT BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT USE ALL THE ADVANCED STUFF IN > THE BEGINNING..... > > AS FAR AS THE SQL STUFF, STEVE WILL SET UP THE DATABASE FOR YOU IF > SCRIPTING IN SHELL SCARES YOU BUT THE CODE IS ALL THERE...AND ALL YOU > CAN DO IS BLOW THE SERVER...JK!!!!!! inda fasciano Sun 11/21/2010 10:40 PM Server Business ? I would not mind learning how to do a database or SQL but every tute I looked at or tried far as php sql goes. From: > Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 15:10:19 -0800 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] WORD PRESS~SCRIPT > > > Here is the zip file....I got it with my webby and put it on the server > with our mover.....! > > > > It's 835 files.....but there are directories of things like images > etc..... inda fasciano Mon 11/22/2010 12:16 AM Server Business ? It has a lot of .js files too which webby can't view. > From: > Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 13:41:22 -0800 > To: > Subject: Mouse Drawn > > > My first try at Paint... > > ? ? ? ? ? linda fasciano Fri 11/19/2010 10:32 PM Sally ? Wow, that is way better than anything I have ever tried with Paint. I use a program called 25Clips a lot for my art work on PC. I think you would like it, but you mentioned that you are not interested in PC downloads. From: > Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 14:56:29 -0800 > To: > Subject: RE: Mouse Drawn > > > Really?? Wow, thanks!! > > Lila and Ad have been talking brushes which are completely different > animals than what they are in GD and talking mouse drawn stuff so I > decided to try it.... > Once I learn the tool functions better I should be able to make > something simple but much better...I hope..LOL! > > You mentioned 25clips before...I'll look it up next time I'm on the > laptop and see... > but you are right, I'm not into putting a bunch of stuff on my PC....I > just don't use it enough..... > > How are you doing? Feeling better?? inda fasciano Fri 11/19/2010 11:34 PM Sally ? You won't find much on the web. All they advertise it is as a tool for taking screenshots of saving data. When I downloaded it I found it did much more than that. I wrote this tute for handyman because he asked me if I knew a tool for cropping. This has a great cropping tool too. It costs $10 to keep it but there is a free trial period. From: Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 08:13:54 -0800 To: Subject: RE: Mouse Drawn The crop tool costs $10 or the program costs $10?? I do not need a crop tool...and will not pay for any program... linda fasciano Sat 11/20/2010 7:18 PM Sally ? The whole program costs $10. I use it just about every day. It really saves me a lot of time. But I know there is nothiing that you can do there that you can't do with a script or at IM, but it is just so convenient. You use the mouse to crop an image. When you click crop on the tool the image shows up with some red lines around it. You move the line to where you want to crop. It also tells you the size of the image as you move the lines, if you wanted a precise size. I made a lot of my bobbing heads with the gradient tool on the program and I have done a lot of transparency work iwth it. It does not show png images. I can take a screenshot of a png and than take it to the tool, crop it and change it to a gif or jpg with just 2 clicks of the mouse, upload it to the server and I'm done. From: Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 07:57:56 -0800 To: Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda Great, Got it...!! inda fasciano Wed 11/24/2010 8:02 PM Server Business ? More you can use if you need more. From: Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 12:17:25 -0800 To: Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda GREAT !!!! GOOD GRIEF CARAMEL ROLLS??? YUMMY!! inda fasciano Wed 11/24/2010 8:48 PM Server Business ? I am making the potato candy at this moment. You'd be surprised how good these are. rom: To: CC: Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 10:38:27 -0500 Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda Potato Candy - you need to add the oven temp and baking time! ;-) On 24/Nov/2010 15:02 linda fasciano wrote .. > > More you can use if you need more. > > > > > > linda fasciano Fri 11/26/2010 1:52 AM Server Business ? There is no oven temp or baking time on the potato candy. The only thing you need to cook is the potato to make mashed potatoes. Melt some chocolate for topping. The rest is not cooked. From: To: CC: Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 10:33:45 -0500 Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda Linda - for the Torture Pie - how many eggs for the egg whites? LOL linda fasciano Fri 11/26/2010 1:53 AM Server Business ? Whoops.. 3 egg whites. Guess somebody is reading these...LOL thanks. From: To: CC: Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 10:31:12 -0500 Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda Linda, those pages are great. But when you made the recipes page, I think you didn't put in any cellpadding for your table cells - as some of the names of the recipes are jammed up tight against the text in the right column. Also same thing on your Miscellaneous page. Otherwise it looks great. nda fasciano Fri 11/26/2010 1:54 AM Server Business ? Does this look better? It looks fine on my PC Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 22:05:23 -0600 From: To: Subject: Re: [Biz] LINDA-- Links~Linda~Spud Candy Boy, do I remember some of these recipes! Thanks for the memories.. Becky inda fasciano Sat 11/27/2010 9:02 AM Server Business ? I had memories going through them, that is why I saved them. From: > To: > CC: > Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 10:38:27 -0500 > Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda > > Potato Candy - you need to add the oven temp and baking time! ;-) On 25/Nov/2010 20:52 linda fasciano wrote .. > > There is no oven temp or baking time on the potato candy. The only thing > you need to cook is the potato to make mashed potatoes. Melt some chocolate > for topping. The rest is not cooked. rom: To: CC: Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 08:28:00 -0500 Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda~Spud Candy Oh, of course - you're using the newly mashed potatoes which would still be hot, lol. Duh! nda fasciano Fri 11/26/2010 10:22 PM Server Business ? Actually they don't need to be hot. May even be better if they were cool. I should probably add that to the recipe. The sugar just dissolves when it is mixed with the potato because of the liquid in the potato. Warm may make it runny. From: Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 16:10:12 -0800 To: Subject: Re: [Biz] Links~Linda~Spud Candy Have you tried using instant mashed with that recipe??? That would make it really easy...!! LOL! inda fasciano Sat 11/27/2010 9:03 AM Server Business ? LOL, haven't tried, don't know if they would work, but you never know. Don't have to worry about lumps. From: To: Subject: Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 14:11:57 -0500 Hi Linda, I got the geico to nod. Hooray !! LOL. inda fasciano Thu 12/2/2010 5:05 AM ? LOL, now he's cooking. Looks really great. From: > Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 15:53:13 -0800 > To: > Subject: [Biz] LINKS > > > ANYONE HAVE ANYTHING ELSE FOR LINKS?? THIS IS A GREAT ONE....A LOT OF > NEW STUFF.....THANKS!! > > GET READY FOR VALENTINES FOR NEXT LINKS!!! SNOWMEN ETC TOO....! inda fasciano Sat 12/4/2010 12:14 AM Server Business ? Just have my Ming Christmas swf's. From: To: Subject: guitars !! Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 16:37:48 -0500 Hi Linda, Could you send your guitars again? I can't find them anyplace, I guess I'm having a senior moment LOL. I'm almost done with the raccoon, just a few little white edges to get rid of. Thanks Bob. inda fasciano Sat 12/11/2010 10:02 PM ? Here ya go. rom: > Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 14:01:50 -0800 > To: > Subject: Graphics > > > I'm making valentine tiles and lines etc...doing them in GD... > > But lately when I get on PC I spend a few minutes in Paint to see what I > can's pretty easy and I'm already making ribbons and > bows.....LOLOL! > But of course I need more practice...!!! > I LOVE the eraser...LOLOL! > > GD is much more challenging...LOLOL! inda fasciano Mon 12/13/2010 5:16 AM Sally ? I started to get used to the PC using the 25Clips program. After a while I got used to the PC. Once you find something you like to do with it, then the transition is easier. Webby starts to seem slower after you've been on PC for a while. Easy to load stuff on to the server too with the PC. I can't get used to drawing with the mouse though. LOL I have not been doing much on PC recently. Did some more medical stuff. After the holidays I will do more. From: To: Subject: New Kids LOL !! Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 15:04:55 -0500 linda fasciano Sun 12/19/2010 6:58 PM ? I just saw this, looks really cute. Funny to see my guitars being used. You can make more guitars with my scripts. Go to this page. First make a temporary directory called Temp inside the directory where the script will be. Click on the command line scripts in the above tute and copy that code. Put it in a file with name of your choice with a php extension. Click save and view to see the guitar. To change the color and look of the guitar, just change the top 4 lines under //MAKE GRADIENTS FOR THE ARC by changing the color and angles of the code. Then scroll down to //MAKE GRADIENTS FOR NECK and on the top 2 lines just change white to whatever color will go with your guitar. Lastly, scroll to the bottom of the code and in the last 2 lines change the name of the output file (Temp/guitar.gif) otherwise it will just overwrite the image every time you change it. Here is a sample of changed code. You can grab that URL and upload it changing the extention to php. You need a Temp directory before you can see the file. When you are done you can delete the Temp directory if you want, or just keep it to make more guitars. This is what the changed code looks like. From: To: Subject: RE: New Kids LOL !! Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 16:09:05 -0500 Hey thanks Linda, I appreciate the use of your guitars. I got a lot of comments on the guitars being fancy and colorful. I told them it was you that made them. I'm going to check out your codes and info for making more. Thank you very much for sharing your scripts. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Bob From: Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 10:50:39 -0800 To: Subject: [Biz] UPGRADE OK, OUR NEW BACKUP SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED, BEBUGGED, AND IS FUNCTIONING.... REDHAT6 HAS BEEN RELEASED AND OS6 SHOULD BE RELEASED SOON, AS SOON AS IT IS, THE NEW SYSTEM WILL BE INSTALLED.... IMAGE MAGICK HAS JUST FINISHED 6.6.6 SO THAT WILL BE UPGRADED AS WELL..... linda fasciano Mon 12/20/2010 10:34 PM Server Business ? Sounds good. Did you ask him about the SQL thing? From: To: Subject: RE: New Kids LOL !! Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 16:09:05 -0500 Hey thanks Linda, I appreciate the use of your guitars. I got a lot of comments on the guitars being fancy and colorful. I told them it was you that made them. I'm going to check out your codes and info for making more. Thank you very much for sharing your scripts. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Bob From: > Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 15:47:06 -0800 > To: > Subject: Re: [Biz] UPGRADE~LINDA > > > Oh, I forgot.....What is it you want?? > > You can go to > > > Under applications is MySql where you can pick a block and make a > datatable....there is a help file too....I did not check it on my laptop > but you'll probably be able to do more than on webby....LOL! Just a > guess.... > > Also let me get some general information.....Things have changed so > much.... linda fasciano Tue 12/21/2010 7:11 AM Server Business ? I was thinking of the Word Press thing that Flo wanted, where it said to set up mySQL to get it to work with a php script connection. From: > Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:57:53 -0800 > To: > CC: > Subject: SQL > > > See if you can't do it from here....using your usermin.....I'm sending > it to my laptop too..... > > inda fasciano Tue 12/21/2010 10:28 PM Sally ? That will have to wait until after the holidays, I don't have the time to play with it right now. From: Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:11:46 -0800 To: Subject: [Biz] Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to my favorite people... Take care and enjoy the love with your family!! inda fasciano Sat 12/25/2010 9:06 AM Server Business ? Merry Christmas. Hope all of you have a wonderful day. Linda From: Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 09:37:21 -0800 To: Subject: [Biz] Weather! WELL, NOT SURE HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE POWER BACK EAST THERE BUT BE CAREFUL!! DON'T GO OUT!! PLEASE BE SAFE!! inda fasciano Mon 12/27/2010 5:51 PM Server Business ? We have power here, but 19 inches of snow, and they say the temp is dropping to below 0. They are watching the coastline. The waves south of here were crashing over the wall and even over the homes and electrical wiring causing sparks, outages, and fires and flooding. That is about an hour's drive from me, but they are still watching the coastline for high tide this afternoon and tonight. From: > Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:57:53 -0800 > To: > CC: > Subject: SQL > > > See if you can't do it from here....using your usermin.....I'm sending > it to my laptop too..... > > linda fasciano Mon 1/17/2011 1:25 AM Sally ? I checked this out but could not find a place to make a database. I unpacked the Wordpress zip and tried to follow their directions but it is all Greek to me.