potato headpotato head
Letterttf fileOffsetFill colorPt SizeScaleRotate
Take a coralgrad.gif face to IM. Resize to 150x200!
cspheroid.ttf-30+20 CenterBlack501.0, 1.0180
EIDface.ttf+1+232 CenterBlack501.0, 1.3180
Paint: Floodfill. Fill color: coral. Fuzz: 5000. aint nose. Output as a gif and upload to get a URL. Use this for both him and her.
Take a white gif to IM. Resize 100x100. Paint Coral.
Xface.ttf-5+0 EFC: Black SC: black70 SW: 21.0, 1.00
Paint: matte background. Transform: Trim, reset geometry. Output image as a gif. Get URL.
FOR THE MALE: Take head image to IM
?sporthobby.ttf+55+50 SFC: red SC: black1101.0, 1.00
Transform, flop, reset page. Annotate other shoe. Composite: Head URL center, over
Composite: ear URL. -80+0 Center, over. Transform flop and composite other ear.
]hdmaker.ttf-40+10 CenterFC: red SC: black1001.0, 1.00
Ghats.ttf-0+40 NFC: Black SC: red70 SW: 11.0, 1.00
FOR THE FEMALE: Bring head to IM and paint background fuchsia, floodfill, color.
adance.ttf+10+10 SouthBlack1301.0, 1.0-30
Matte back, Fill color: none. Fuzz: 5000. Click back. Then Composite: Head URL center, over
Composite: ear URL. -80+0 Center, over. Transform flop and composite other ear.
slips.ttf+0+70 centerFC: red. SC: Black601.0, 1.00
Cceye.ttf-5-79 centerblack701.0, 1.0180
xhats.ttf-28+45 NFC: fuchsia SC: black1201.0, 1.020
Paint black parts of the hat red and the toes of the slippers. Transform: trim. Output.